Sunday, July 10, 2016

Sunday grocery shopping... Found my Zataar... Oh Yeah

From this morning actually. Went over to Nature's Basket to get some good grocery and get ready for the week. All prepped up.

  So what do we have here:
  1) Some chicken, cut pieces. (Main protein source boy)
  2) Sweet Potato. 
  3) Spinach. 
  4) Tomato. Cherry ones for salad.
  5) Some curd.
  6) Eggs. (My 2nd topper in protein source).
  7) Carrot 
  8) Brocolli 
  9) Mushroom 
  9.5) Cucumber 
  10) Zataar

Will last half a week maybe

  Well, if you look at it this way it's simple. But wait... When did I say which way? :)
   I tend to keep fibers (mostly from veggies) and stuffs that have some good portion of minerals and vitamins in them. And protein is so much regular.
   You don't need to search and hunt for these. None of these are exotic food. But each one, when consumed properly can give you all the benefit out of diet that you could ever possibly imagine.

   If you're an office goer, if you gotta take care of more stuffs outside the gym, then keep it simple. Or you'll soon get frustrated.

   Anyway, hope this helps understanding my regular food sources.
    Ah yes, I almost forgot to mention, If you notice there's this small can of Zataar on top of one of the curd cups. That's one awesome middle-eastern mixed herbs dried seasoning and can be used with so many different stuffs. I first saw it in one of the travel videos by Mark Wiens and since then wanted to try out. Now I got it. Yoooo Hooo. It's awesome folks, just awesome. 

Super awesome workout... Cardio followed by Chest and Arms

The background is my office gym, the regular place where you can find me from 10 to 11:30 AM in the morning. Just over with 20 mins inclined jog ( over there on one of those treadmills ). About to hit the chest and arms.

At my office Gym

Thursday, July 7, 2016

And Here's The Final Product... Tandoori Chicken and Panner

You gotta read the other blog here. It's where I show how I marinated this dish.

  And here's while it's being cooked and then the final product.

See the fire?

Final Product. Yummy.

  Hope you like it. Remember... No oil is used here. But you may use butter or mustard oil if you're not that calorie conscious.

Healthy Cooking... Healthy Living

I'm no chef... no way. But I love cooking. Ya, really do actually.
  So as I said before, you gotta enjoy your food. Even if you're on strict diet. If you hate it, you'll soon succumb into ice-cream, and sweets and burgers etc. 

  It's not that hard to cook up something that's healthy yet tasty... and looks good too.

  I'm trying out tandoor chicken and tandoor paneer. Currently just marinated.

  So the recipe is simple. Here you go:
  Clean some mid cut chicken pieces and cut some paneer pieces (cottage cheese). Now add some ginger garlic paste, some salt to taste, two teaspoon of curd, some lemon juice (about a teaspoon), some red pepper power and some tandoori chicken masala. Ya tandoori checken masala is available in the market. Here's one link: 

  Now keep the marinated stuffs for as long as you want. I'll keep for few hours. Then put them on the grill or tandoor oven whatever you got. That's pretty much it.

  See, you can use a lot of butter or oil to marinate this stuff. But I used not a drop. Cutting diet, remember. Hope you find it good looking to try out at home. I'll post the prepared dish pic in the next post.

  Here's how it looks:

About to mix all

Chicken about to be mixed with spices

Can't wait for it to get cooked.

Paneer about to be mixed with spices

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Balance in everything... Cheat meal and Cutting diet

Ya, you might wonder why would I post so many cheat meal photos and blog posts on cheat meals. Well, nothing particular as such. The main idea that I wanna uphold is that you can eat what you like and still stay in shape. As I said before, I'm a normal person, an office going regular guy. It has to be a practical diet for me.

  So anyway, wanted to share one of the cutting diet meals that we're having tonight. Nothing much... some pulses, lots of spinach and some veggies. Put them together and boil with mild salt and some green chilly. Boom. 

  And yes, I added one apple to that too along with two boiled egg whites (not in the pic, who takes egg pics, duh...)

  It kinda gives you protein, fiber and minerals too. And you keep loosing fat.

  Good luck. So whatever I garbled here was that balance is necessary. We do cheat meals and we do cool low calorie, high fiber diet as well.

Go go burn some fat.
Soma and I again on a cheat meal. It's the last weekend. Haha.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Finally... Back to Gym Yesterday... Relief

I was feeling like top notch bad when I was not able to hit the gym 3 days straight. But what to do. Wasn't doing well. And the rest did good. I recovered quite soon actually, ya and with some pretty good pampering from my wife. :)

  Well, here's me in my office gym, back to chest and arms as my last post (after which I got sick).

Feeling good.