Thursday, June 2, 2016

Why 20KgDown?

Yeeees! Finally got it together. 

I was thinking of putting together a blog post about health and fitness and it was like dragging and dragging.... damn.

  Good I started at least!

  So first thing first. Why the name 20KgDown? Simple actually, and most likely, you've already figured it out. In case you're still waiting for a confirmation, then yes, you guessed it right. I recently, and for the first time, lost 20 KiloGram of weight. And this loss of weight is the main driver for me to write a blog. Thus the most appropriate name. 

  Now that we've got the name out of the way, let me quickly cover what all I plan to write here (nothing is planned as such, just a rough sketch).

  I think I'll mostly stick to stuffs that I do to keep healthy; my gym regime, diet, what all supplements I take etc. I'll try to do some review of stuffs that I used and methods I've applied and continue to apply. 

  One of the major reasons for me to write this blog (apart from the fact that I was enthralled by the number 20) is to let people know how we can keep fit while maintaining a balanced lifestyle. 

  People meaning folks like me; office goers. So, my day job... it ain't bodybuilding or keeping the best physique all round the year. That's not how I earn my living. I do coding, like C, Java, Ruby etc. I go to office, attend meetings, come home, attend meetings, and then eat and sleep. And then the next day I repeat all these. And while doing all these I need to maintain my diet and workout to keep fit. So I basically want to let people like me know how to do it. And I hope it would help everyone in general.

  So... Ya... that's pretty much it for the first blog post. Let's see what I do next. 

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